In 2001 (right before I was born!!) something VERY bad happened...

My dad, who was working for a telephone company, told my mom that he was going to stop bad from ever happening again.
That didn’t happen.
BUT, he went on an epic journey that changed the trajectory of my life.
He decided to join the Air Force! He moved to California with my mom, where they had.........
Because of my dad's job, we moved a LOT!
I even went to a different school almost EVERY year!
I've lived and traveled to so many cool places!
I've been to Italy!
I've even been detained by Qatari police TWICE!!!!
Right before my freshman year, I moved back to California. In fact, the exact same town I was born in! I tested out of high school at 15, because of an untreated neurodevelopment disorder and a moderate drug addiction. :p
I got a job and moved out at 16. Now, I live by myself back in California, where I am pursuing my dreams in music! Join me on this journey, where I talk about my experiences and all the crazy adventures I've been on since then!